Nader Sabry — Growth Hacking
3 min readFeb 10, 2018


The most significant risk is not taking a risk.

In tough economic times, decision-makers shy away from making risky decisions in hopes of just surviving. The challenge with a just survival attitude is that this is an opportunity to gain an advantage while your competitors are timid.

Excessive stress on profitability, limited resources, and competitive pressure has led to a high-pressure decision-making environment. Decision-makers need to find innovative solutions within an environment where:

• Consumer demand is decreasing,
• Inflationary pressure continues, and
• The constant need for growth.

The challenge is navigating through this is how decision-makers can balance incentivize risk-taking yet ensure operational stability. A balanced approach is vital in identifying innovative solutions while optimizing operations.

Incentivize risk-taking is what will set apart companies that will thrive in such times and those who will seize to exist. Innovation typically comes from the bottom of the organization. In fact, 80% of innovation in organizations comes from those who frequently interact with customers, suppliers, and partners.

Leaders and managers need to identify systems and processes that allow for the creative juice to flow from the bottom-up. They also need to reinforce this with incentives that will enable such innovation to take place. It’s the small things that can have the most significant impact, and there isn’t anyone better than those who are closest to those details.

What’s in it for the small guy? Well, that’s what this is all about? Creating incentivized-risk taking requires a culture of innovation, fair/clear rewards, and support systems and processes.

Creating such a culture starts with openness unconventional approaches. This culture needs to be supported by a reward system that draws a link between their contribution, performance, results, and compensation. Support systems and processes have to allow leaders to capture, evaluate, and monitor new approaches' development.

Decision-makers need to consider:

  1. How to leverage existing and potential new incentives that directly link to performance, results, and compensation?
  2. How to tier incentives to progressively reward employees for nourishing motivation levels over an extended period?
  3. How to stimulate, fairly evaluate, monitor, and implement new approaches while optimizing current operations?

Get Growth Thinking — Think, Design, Growth hack.

Newly launched book by author Nader Sabry about growth hacking design methodology in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audio on popular platforms like and Google Books / Google Play and Apple.

Learn more today by visiting

This new methodology has been used by thousands of the top growth hackers globally, helping supercharge the growth of their own organizations and their clients achieve super-growth results not achievable by many organizations. Growth thinking is a fast, easy, and simple way to prototype growth hacks. This enables growth by visualizing a growth hack in abstract and then detailing them into a systematic approach. This makes it easy to develop and improve growth hacks and generate new, better growth hacks.

Get started today with several support resources, including quick start, getting started, and advanced training online courses to help you supercharge your organizations’ growth, whether you are a startup, a Fortune 500, a government, or the next big unicorn.

Get your copy of the bestselling book.
“Ready Set Growth Hack:
A beginners guide to growth hacking success.”

Learn more about the author Nader Sabry



Nader Sabry — Growth Hacking

Strategist entrepreneur & innovator in space tech, government, & health/wellness. Has raised $20m directly /+$100m indirectly for startups.